Rebecca Ryan is a partner and head of the Healthcare Group in Matheson’s Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution Department and a recognised leader in her field, specialising in professional indemnity and product liability claims.
Rebecca acts for indemnity bodies, professionals and internationally focused companies doing business in and from Ireland with specialist knowledge in the healthcare and food and beverage sectors. She advises them across a range of disputes and regulatory matters. Rebecca is an accomplished advocate with a keen interest in mediation and alternative dispute resolution. Having previously qualified as a solicitor in England and Wales, Rebecca has a broad perspective.
Rebecca has in the past led Matheson’s innovation strategy. She created the Smart@Matheson programme and Smart Group, which has now evolved into Matheson Digital Services. She designed bespoke novel client offerings to deliver strategic commercial solutions to our clients. Rebecca lectures to the industry and the Law Society of Ireland and is a regular contributor to leading Irish and international journals such as The Consultant, Irish Medical News and The Health Manager. Rebecca co-authored the ‘Healthcare Enforcement and Litigation 2016’ chapter for Ireland to be published in the multi-jurisdictional legal guide, ‘Getting the Deal Through’. She is also a member of the Medico-Legal Society of Ireland. Rebecca was a member of the Board of Governors of the Rotunda Hospital from 2014 to 2016.
- Defending a medical practitioner in recent High Court proceedings involving the administration of chemotherapy treatment to a child patient resulting in brain damage, which settled for a seven figure sum.
- Acting for medical practitioners in the defence of obstetric cases resulting in birth defects and cerebral palsy.
- Advising and mediating a complex fatal injuries claim involving novel claims for loss of chance, loss of inheritance and loss of earnings by the plaintiff and the statutory dependents.
- Advising healthcare organisations on issues such as retention of medical records, requests and access to records under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts, clinical performance, ethical issues, risk management and setting up healthcare facilities in this jurisdiction.
- Advising and representing medical practitioners during The Commission of Investigation in to Leas Cross Nursing Home.
- Advising a medical practitioner regarding a HIQA Inquiry in to Radiological Services provided in a Mid West Region Hospital.
- Advising a medical practitioner in relation to a HSE Inquiry in to the provision of mental health service provided at a nursing home.
- Defending medical practitioners on multiple charges of professional misconduct before the Irish Medical Council.
- Defending High Court proceedings initiated against cosmetic and therapeutic clinics.
- Advising on the regulations pertaining to the dispensing of medicinal products in Ireland.
- Advising and defending dental practitioners in relation to High Court proceedings.
- Advising on all aspects of taxation of legal costs before the Taxing Master of the High Court.
- Advising professionals involved in high value, high profile, sensitive and complex High Court litigation
- Advising professionals involved in regulatory investigations and Fitness to Practise Committee hearings before Regulatory bodies.
- Advising clients involved in regulatory investigation statutory investigations.
Sheffield Hallam University (LLB Hons)
Admitted as a solicitor in Ireland
Admitted as a solicitor in England and Wales (non-practising)