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The Matheson AML Toolkit - October 2019

AUTHORs: Joe Beashel Services: Regulatory Risk Management and Compliance DATE: 10/10/2019

Click here for the most up to date version of the Matheson AML Toolkit, a guide to AML in Ireland.

AML Toolkit - October 2019 PDF | 1.88 MB
  • consolidated version of the 2010 Act reflecting the changes to same brought about by the 2018 Act. This can be viewed as a clean document or as a marked up version which enables you to see, at a glance, the changes to the impacted sections;
  • “Highlights” document which details some of the key changes brought about by the 2018 Act which Matheson believes our clients should be aware of;
  • a more in depth look into Section 180A and Schedule 2 Firms and what it means for our heretofore unregulated clients – the registration process, the obligations which must be met along with an analysis on same; we have also included the CBI Schedule 2 Registration Guidance for Anti-Money Laundering;
  • an overview of the Joint Committee Guidelines on Money Laundering and Risk Factors - “The Risk Factor Guidelines”;
  • an analysis of the finalised Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Guidelines for the Financial Sector as released on 6 September 2019;
  • consideration the General Scheme of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) (Amendment) Bill 2019 (“2019 Bill”) published by the Department of Justice. The 2019 Bill is intended to transpose the Fifth EU Money Laundering Directive;
  • an overview of the European Commission’s Communication package of four reports intended to support European and National Authorities in addressing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing risks as released on 24 July 2019; and
  • finally, we include Matheson’s AML Timeline which highlights the key developments in the recent past as well as anticipated developments on the horizon in the AML space.

Should you have any queries in respect of the materials included in The Matheson AML Toolkit, please contact a member of the AML team:  

Joe Beashel
E: joe.beashel@matheson.com

Louise Dobbyn
Senior Associate
E: louise.dobbyn@matheson.com

Lorna Smith
Senior Associate

Ian O'Mara
E: ian.omara@matheson.com